Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This is just one of a series of paintings that Michael Jackson asked David Nordahl to paint for him during his "BAD" era. Most of the paintings are very much out of MJ's fantasy world and how he liked to view things in the most King-like sense. Paintings not only included his vision of himself as a type of King, but some paintings also included MJ surrounded by children and looking very happy. More happy than anyone had ever seen him. This paintings are just a glimpse of how MJ viewed his world, or perhaps how he wished he was viewed. I plan to get the first lines of this "poem" tattooed soon. I believe these lines embody a lot of what i'm about.
Its kinda hard to read to i'll type it out for ya:
I am the thinker, the thinking,
the thought
i am the seeker, the seeking,
the sought
i am the dewdrop, the sunshine,
the storm
i am the phenomenon, the field,
the form
i am the desert, the ocean,
the sky
i am the primevil Self
In you and I

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